What an expression ;)


This picture just speaks for itself - Lennox is just wunderful! ;o)

Drinking problem? ;o)

"Drinking problem? ;o)"

Empty bottles, the best and most favourite toy! No bought toy could be as interesting as an empty waterbottle. At least not for Lennox! ;o) Nothing that he likes more than biting, chewing, liking it... as loud as possible, so that no conversation near "his battlefield" will be possible ;)! But Lennox does not care, because he is in dog heaven, with his plastic waterbottle ;o)!

Quiet and Piece! ;o)

"Hibernation? ;o)"

Even our leopard does not stay untouched by this - winter hibernation ;o)! Even Lennox seems to sleep more during the winter month. Or at least we think so! ;) As a matter of fact, he is yawning like hell. And even in this moments, he is just irresistible ;o)!


"Diploma! ;o)"

Who would think Lennox would not lend a helping hand from time to time! You are wrong! This young fellow really likes to be helpful ;o)! In the first place he likes to help Tom with his Diploma ;o)! The question just is, if his help is really wanted AND appriciated. Especially if Lennox decides to "re-organise" all of Tom`s sorted file cards. Oh well - we just love our boy - even he does mad things like this! ;)

Christmas holiday

"Christmas holiday ;o)!"

Finally it`s time again. This year is nearly over. And we are on our way to enjoy this years christmas holiday! We wish all our two and four-legged friends MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! See you soon! ;o) At the latest in 2011!!

New Years Eve

"New Years Eve!"

So, this has been it, the last winterwalk in 2010 ;o)! Hugo and Lennox have grown so much! It`s really hard to believe that we just got them around easter this year, Lennox just was the size that his head is now ;o)! This little sweet thing with the blue eyes turned into a real buffalo! And still he looks like a youngster when we compare him with adult Catahoula males! We are looking forward to see how he will look like the next new years eve!

Me = present

"Me = Present ;)"

Look at him! This really is Lennox life-attitude! Our leopard just believes he is a present straight from heaven! Well, if a dog is capable of believing such a thing, regarding Lennox, I would like to believe that he is :). Not that he is only placing himself beneath a snowish christmas tree, no he is a real poser in all situations of life ;)! Sometimes it really needs a lot of consequence and strenght to keep the young fellow close to the ground ;)!

Race for the mitt!

"Race for the mitt"

This time Hugo was the faster one, or should I say, Lennox did not get the game of stealing the mitt off the hand of the photographer and starting off a chase ;)! But once Hugo started it, Lennox got going too, and both of them did not stop! In Lennox opinion it`s really close to a mean crime that Hugo has something in his possesion he could not have had a look at beforehand ;)!! There they went, up and down, left and right, forwards and backwards...til finally Tobi rescued the mitt and gave him back to his owner! You should have seen their faces, they havent been happy at all - but the owner of the mitt was very happy ;)!

Poser! ;o)


Oh Jesus! Lennox really turned into a poser, and into a "announcement" for other grown males. Our leopard really does not want to back down anymore, and he is quite cheeky ;)! He rather takes a hit or two (or even more) bevore backing down a bit. Well, there are males he really has respect for! But only if they got a chance to put him into his place without any humans ;). And there have been lots of males around in Regensburg during Lennox christmas holiday who did this job pretty good. Quite necessary for Lennox huge ego - and it did him really good. If these things would not happen from time to time, Lennox would get inseanly confident, something we dont want! ;)

Prince Charming :)

"Prince Charming! :)"

Well, Lennox and the girls! This dog is a real prince charming... ;o) It does not matter who enters our house, it takes Lennox not more then 5 minutes to get them "under control" and to be the complete center of attention! Our leopard is really incredible. This young fellow isnt just a good host and good entertainment - he is simply irresistible! ;o)

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