Lennox is one little bouncy ball ;o)! It does not matter if there is a tree, or any other obstacle, he will just jump for fun....he seems to like the feeling of being "up in the air"! ;o) Sure, there are people saying "young dogs should not jump" - but if they do it out of their own free will, during a walk, it`s a different case in my opinion. We never wrapped up our dogs in cotton wool - and all of them have been outstanding examples of their breeds, body and mindwise! ;o)
"I am a looker! ;o)"
There is always something to look at, and Lennox head definately has a socket joint ;o). Not only when he scentes an interesting smell, no no, also just for fun....he is always watching what is happening around him or us. Lennox is just no sleeping pill ;o)!
"Don`t mess with me ;o)!"
What a weekend! We went to visit a good friend with her pack of dogs - including Lennox, they were 7! We haven`t had so much fun and such a blast in a long time. The dogs got along great, and the three youngsters of the group have been out and about all day long - being up to no good ;o)! So at least us humans could enjoy a good glas of wine in the evenings and have a propper chat. Well I believe we will hold those bavarian Catahoula-meetings on a regular basis!
"Give me 5 ;o)"
If you give your dog into the hands of an agility-mad friend of yours, it sure will come up with something new! ;o) In Lennox case that was "Stand up including give me 5" ;o) Not every command does have to have an every day life sense - some of them are just meant to be fun! And we like it! ;o)
"Something new!"
"Lennox is a "tube-dog"" - at least Steffi says so ;o). Regarding her statement there are "bridge- and hurdle-dogs" or "tube-dogs". Lennox really liked both of it! The bridge the same as the tube, sacktube or just normal tube...it does not matter. Most important for Lennox is the treat which will wait for him when he arrives on the other end of the obstacle. He just proved once again - he will do everything for a treat ;o)! Lennox just is a typical male (sorry guys) ;o)!
"I am a waterrat ;o)"
What a luck that we have the Isar and the Würm (Rivers) in Munich - how blant would Lennox life be without the element of water. ;o) It does not matter if it`s warm, cold or even a rainy day...at least once a day he has to jump through the rivers! He does even share (how nice of him) with the ducks, as long as they dont swim by to close, because then his hunting instincts will take over. It`s just a hunting dog, our leopard! ;o)
"I am walking ;)"
Who believes that a Catahoula would be happy with 2 hours exercise a day, is definately wrong. Also Dogsports are no propper replacement for long hours of walking and exploring with "their humans". Surely also this kind of work is needed and important - BUT 30min of work at the dogpark or training ground and 4 hours of waiting in the boot does not really do the job. A Catahoula (like most other dog breeds) needs hourlong walks in the woods or over the fields. Who thinks that`s to much of a hassle - please dont get such a dog!
"Lennox treeing!"
Have a look at that - it really must be in the genes. ;o) Lennox discovered treeing for himself! Surely he has his nose nearly always up in the air or down on the ground...but that he would like to follow a interesting smell up a tree, that is really new! ;o) That has been one surprise for us...and some interesting view for some of the people walking pass us ;o). But we are happy about it, as Lennox just proved, not every Catahoula bred in Europe is just a look-a-like and not a real Catahoula Leopard Dog.
"Lifting legs ;o)"
Oh my, how often have I heard this sentence... "Look at this, he is lifting his leg"! Yes indeed he does, nearly always and everywhere...but what on earth is so special about it, still did not get the point ;o)! The opposite is the case, the real chilled puppy times are over and the really stressy Youngstertime is about to begin. Not really a reason to do a happy dance and mark that day in the calendar - or will the owners of females also mark the first day of the first heat in their calendar as well?! ;o)
"Fly guy ;o)"
Is there something better then jumping over the fields? Looking at the picture I dont think so...no way! ;o) Pure joy of life! I nearly would feel jealous! And in my afterlife I would prefer to be dog in our house - it`s a pitty that won`t work ;o)... Because, Lennox really has a life like God in France!