"Long Term Effects Of Vaccines" - Part 1

Any vaccine needs to be grown on a protein source. Canine vaccines use canine and beef tissue mostly, therefore different proteins then your dog's own tissue. When you inject foreign proteins into the body, they will end up migrating via the bloodstream into organs, muscles and joints. This is why vaccine-strain measles have been found in the digestive tracts of humans, distemper in canine joints and nervous system tissue, and parvo in heart muscle. More unfortunately viral cells (which are a foreign protein in themselves) go right along with the foreign proteins from the growth medium of the vaccines and end up distributed throughout the body. Toxins in vaccines also follow the same pattern -like aluminum and thiomersal (containing 49% mercury) to name a couple - the list is very long Ideally, the foreign protein is destroyed and the toxins are purged, and both are handled as waste by the body. Unfortunately, this is not necessarily what always happens, particularly in older animals with years of toxins behind them, as their systems no longer function optimally. Those proteins and toxins end take up residence in whatever tissues of the body they end upin and cause low grade inflammation that often goes unnoticed..


"Long Term Effects Of Vaccines" - Part 2

This is what triggers things like arthritis, many autoimmune diseases, allergies andorgan damage - why so many dogs have kidney damage. The body tries to get rid of those foreign things, and in the process the body ends up turning on the tissue the foreign proteins have bonded themselves to. It's trying to destroy the foreign proteins and toxins that are now part of those tissues. Sometimes it succeeds but leaves the tissue weakened. Other times, it results in autoimmune disease, where eventually the body becomes programmed to "think" that the body's own tissues aren't its own. Other times those proteins find their way into areas where they can get an even stronger foothold and create chronic inflammation that lead to arthritis. The medical industry knows that you can't put foreign proteins into the body without dangerous consequences. If they transplant organs, the patient must be on anti-rejection medication for the rest of their lives. Otherwise, their body recognizes that new heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, etc as the foreign tissue that it is and attacks it. What happens when an animal or human is given any type of foreign proteins via vaccines is the same, only that protein is not just one organ and in one place, but it travels anywhere and every- where in the body. The immune system is VERY complex and this is a very basic description of how vaccines, especially given year after year, can damage your dog’s body and immune system..


"Some thing to think on"

By the time the average dog is 2 years old it has gone through the following schedule -

- Wormed at 2, 4, 6 & 8 weeks of age

- Vaccines approx 3 times before the age of 16 weeks, often times including up to 7 different live modified viruses.

- Rabies vaccine at 16 weeks old.

- Topical flea treatments monthly during the warmer weather.

- Second rabies vaccine at 1 year old

- 5 or 7-way booster vaccines at 1 & 2 years old

- Heartworm meds monthly during the warmer season.

While on their own, some of these things may seem “minimal”, (except for vaccines, they are a huge assault on the system) when they are put together they are a constant barrage on your dog’s immune system - month after month and year after year. It is no wonder that today’s canine suffers from so many chronic health problems and autoimmune diseases.



Good health is nature's greatest safeguard against disease. Germs and bacteria do not cause disease by themselves. Disease occurs when the body’s immune system becomes weak and it’s resistance is low.


"Myths about raw feeding"

Dogs are omnivores

Wolves eat the stomach contents of prey

Dogs are too far removed from wolves to be fed a raw diet

Dogs have adapted to cooked diets

Dogs live longer today because of commercial foods

Wolves have shortened lifespans because of their diet

Millions of dogs safely eat commercial foods, so why feed raw?

Raw diets are not balanced

Bacteria in raw meat is dangerous to my pet

My pet will get parasites from the raw meat

Raw-fed dogs pose a serious health risk to humans

Raw diets vs. the AAFCO standards

There is no scientific research to validate raw diets

Feeding raw meat makes a dog bloodthirsty

I am not knowledgeable enough to make my dog's food

Raw diets are not very digestible

Raw diets are inconvenient and expensive

Different breeds of dogs need different diets

Because of the risks of bones, ground raw diets are better

Plenty of premium kibbles are available, so raw is unnecessary

Home-made, cooked diets are viable alternatives to raw

Vets are thoroughly qualified to dispense nutritional advice

Small dogs and toy breeds cannot eat raw diets

Carbohydrates are necessary in dog's diet


"Heartworm - How It Works" - Part 1

Heartworm is a potentially serious, sometimes fatal disease. It is not, however, the canine health problem that it is made out to be. If your dog is healthy, eating a SARF diet, is vaccine free or on a minimal vaccine protocol, is not on any HW “preventives” or chemical flea and tick preventives, his immune system should be strong enough to fight off a heartworm infestation with none of the larvae reaching adulthood and without an owner even knowing about the issue. (A dog that is eating an inappropriate diet, is over-vaccinated and has it’s system constantly bombarded with chemicals and insecticides can be a vulnerable host.) In the event that some of the larvae should manage to get past your dog’s immune system and survive to adulthood, this is still a far way off from the parasite causing problems. Even at the adult stage, a healthy dog is able to fight them off with no signs or lasting ill effects. (Heartworm has only become the problem is has over the past 20 - 30 years since mass inoculations have started.) Mosquitoes are the only known transmitter of the infective stage of the heartworm larvae. In some parts of the country mosquitoes are a problem all year round, while in others this problem is limited to the warm months.


"Heartworm - How It Works" - Part 2

The heartworm has 5 separate larval stages - L1, L2, L3, L4, L5 and L6. (L5 being the young adult stage. L6 the mature adult.) Heartworm also has two separate cycles, which, combined, make up the total lifecycle of the heartworm. One cycle takes place in a mosquito, and the other inside a dog or cat. When a mosquito bites a dog harboring microfilariae, the mosquito ingests the L1 larvae, or microfilariae. This can only happen if the dog is also harboring the L6, or mature adult heartworm, because the microfilariae are the offspring of the adult heartworm. These microfilariae can live for up two years in the dog’s blood without causing any harm. They must, however, be taken up by a mosquito in order to develop further. If they are not, they will die of old age and pass out of the system. Once the mosquito ingests the microfilariae from the infected dog, the larvae must go through two stages of development changing from L1 to L2 and from L2 to L3, while in the mosquitoe’s system before the mosquito can infect another dog. Once the L3 stage has been reached the larvae migrate to the mosquitoe’s mouth. (It is only the L3 larvae which are capable of infecting another dog.) This mosquito cycle takes anywhere from two weeks a month depending on the weather. The warmer the weather, the faster the development. If the larvae haven’t made the final development by then, they never will because the mosquito dies of old age at about 35 days, and along with the mosquito, die the larvae.


"Heartworm - How It Works" - Part 3

While the larvae are developing in the mosquito, development continues only when the temperature is above 64 degrees F. The temperature MUST remain above 57 degrees Fahrenheit at all times, day and night during the entire mosquito cycle. If at any time during the development into the L3 stage, the temperature drops below 57 F, the development is aborted and must start over.

If all the conditions are right –

- a mosquito has bitten an infested dog

- the temperature has remained above 57 degrees F for a minimum of 14 days since that bite

- that mosquito then bites your dog.

Your dog is still not infested because the L3 larvae are deposited in a tiny droplet of saliva bordering the bite, NOT injected into your dog by the mosquito. The humidity and temperature must be just right so that the droplet does not evaporate entering your dog’s system.


"Heartworm - How It Works" - Part 4

Once inside your dog, the L3 larvae must spend the next two weeks or so developing into the L4 larvae. During this period of time the larvae are living in the tissue just under the skin, not in the blood of the newly infected dog. The L4 will continue to live and develop in the tissue for the next two to three months, where they develop into the L5 stage. Once they make this development into the L5 or young adult stage, they then leave the tissue and enter the blood stream. The L5 or young adults then migrate to the heart and pulmonary arteries where they make their final development into the L6 or mature, breeding, adult stage and attach to the tissue of the heart and pulmonary arteries. Once there, approximately 5 to 7 months after entering the dog’s body, they will mate. This mating produces the microfilariae. If the dog is not re-infested with L3 larvae from another bite from another infected mosquito, the adult heartworm will die of old age in about 2 years. The microfilaria will also die a natural death unless taken up by a mosquito. Again, all of this happening without the owner ever knowing there was an issue to begin with. Our dogs’ systems can take care of themselves if given the chance to by being kept strong and healthy in the first place.


"Heartworm - How It Works" - Part 5

Weighing the Risks

The most popular heartworm "preventatives," - Heartgard and Interceptor, are not preventatives at all. They act by killing the microfilariae, L3, and/or L4 larvae in an infested dog. (Interceptor kills the L3s, and L4s, while Heartgard will kill the L4s and some of the youngest L5s.) They are chemical insecticides and when administered month after month, year after year, the toxic side-effects become a serious health risk.!! For us, the risks are just too great to outweigh any benefits at all. Giving a dog a dose of poison month after month to kill something which probably isn’t there anyway and if it is, will probably cause no health problems in a healthy dog doesn't make sense. All the toxicity from heartworm pills accomplish are to suppress the immune system. The side-effects of liver disease, heart problems and cancer, is far greater and more immediate than the threat of the disease they're meant to prevent. An American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) report on adverse drug reactions showed that 65% of drug reactions reported and 48% of all reported deaths caused by drug reactions were from heartworm preventive medicines. We have chosen not to give our dogs Heartworm meds every month. Instead we keep their immune systems strong by feeding them a proper SARF diet and not over-vaccinating or keeping them vaccine free and not suppressing their systems. If an owner wishes to take safe preventative measures against heartworm, there are many natural protocols available. There are also many natural ways to treat heartworm if the problem ever does arise.

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